Returns & Refunds

  • To initiate a return on eligible products, kindly email us at within 30 days of receiving your order. Please be aware that personalised products and items marked as "Sale" on their respective product pages are not eligible for return.
  • In your email, please include your order number and the reason for the return. Attach photos or videos to support your request.
  • We'll review your request and send you return instructions, including a return shipping label if applicable.
  • To qualify for a return, items must be received by us in unused condition and in their original packaging, with all components intact. Until we receive the returned items, the responsibility for their condition remains with you.
  • Once we receive and inspect your return, we'll process your refund to the original payment method within 5-7 business days. Shipping fees are non-refundable.
  • If a returned item does not meet our policy criteria, we will need to return it to you at your expense.